Case Reports in Cancer

Journal Profile of Case Reports in Cancer

Case Reports In Cancer

This peer-reviewed online-only journal publishes original case reports covering the entire spectrum of oncology and cancer, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, toxicities of therapy, supportive care, quality-of-life, and survivorship issues. The journal will also accept case reports dealing with the use of novel technologies, both in the arena of diagnosis and treatment. Supplementary material is welcomed. The intent of the journal is to provide clinicians and researchers with a tool to disseminate their personal experiences to a wider public as well as to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues all over the world. 

Universally used terms can be searched across the entire growing collection of case reports, further facilitating the retrieval of specific information. 

Following the open access principle, the entire contents can be retrieved at no charge, guaranteeing easy access to this valuable source of anecdotal information at all times. 

For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to [email protected]

Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance
Open Access

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